Setting Item Description, InstructionsAdjustPrinterFeedPriori-tyAdj.Quali-tyAuto(OtherPaper) The printer prints and reads a test pattern for auto-matic adjustment of the feed amount. Note that thisfunction takes more time and consumes more inkthan Auto(GenuinePpr). (See "Automatic BandingAdjustment (Adj. Quality).") →P.846Manual Use this mode with highly transparent media or otherpaper for which Auto(GenuinePpr) or Auto(Other-Paper) cannot be used.Print a test pattern for adjustment of the feed amountbased on the type of paper. (See "Manual BandingAdjustment (Adj. Quality).") →P.848AdjustLengthAd-just-ment-PrintA:High Print a test pattern for particular types of paper tocompensate for paper stretching or shrinkage, afterwhich you enter the amount of adjustment. (See"Adjusting Line Length (Adjust Length).")→P.850B:Standard/DraftChange Set-tingsA:High Displayed when you have selected Feed Priority >Adj. Priority > Print Length.Adjustment relative to the amount of stretching orshrinkage of the current paper.Enter either the adjustment results from Adjust-mentPrint or the discrepancy that you measured (asa percentage).For paper that tends to stretch, increase the feedamount by choosing a higher adjustment value. Forpaper that tends to shrink, decrease the feed amountby choosing a lower adjustment value.B:Standard/DraftCali-bra-tionAuto Adjust Choose Yes for automatic adjustment of the adjust-ment value after a test pattern for color calibration isprinted. The new color calibration adjustment valueis applied in all print jobs.Calibration Log Check the date when color calibration was executed,as well as the type of paper used, as shown on theDisplay Screen.Use Adj. Value Choose Disabled > OK if you prefer not to apply thecolor calibration adjustment value in print jobs. Theprinter driver settings will be used instead.Choose Enabled > OK to apply the color calibrationadjustment value in print jobs. However, printer driv-er settings are given priority.Return Defaults Clear the color calibration adjustment value and theexecution log.Main-te-nanceHead Cleaning Clean the Printhead. (See "Cleaning the Print-head.") →P.999Choose Head Cleaning A if printing is faint, oddlycolored, or contains foreign substances.Choose Head Cleaning B if no ink is printed at all,or if printing is not improved by Head Cleaning A.Nozzle Check Print a test pattern to check the nozzles.Printer Parts > Control Panel >iPF8300 Menu Settings9917Downloaded from Manuals