Set./Adj. MenuSetting Item Description, InstructionsTestPrintNozzle Check Print a test pattern to check the nozzles.Status Print Print information about the printer.Interface Print Print interface settings information.Paper Details Print the paper settings as specified in Paper Details.Print Job Log Print a record of print jobs, including the paper typeand size, amount of ink consumed, and so on. Inkconsumption indicates a rough estimate of theamount of ink consumed per print job.(*1 →P.923 )Menu Map Print the menu structure.AdjustPrinterHeadPosi.Adj.Auto(Standard) The printer prints and reads a test pattern for auto-matic adjustment of Printhead alignment relative tothe printing direction. (See "Automatic Adjustmentto Straighten Lines and Colors (Head Posi.Adj.).") →P.839Auto(Advanced) The printer prints and reads a test pattern for auto-matic adjustment of Printhead alignment relative tothe printing direction and spacing between nozzlesand colors. (See "Automatic Adjustment toStraighten Lines and Colors (Head Posi. Adj.).")→P.839Auto(Expansion) The printer prints and reads a test pattern for auto-matic adjustment of Printhead alignment relative tothe printing direction and spacing between nozzlesand colors. Adjustment is performed at a higher levelof precision than Auto(Advanced). (See "AutomaticAdjustment to Straighten Lines and Colors (HeadPosi. Adj.).") →P.839Manual Print a test pattern for adjustment of Printhead align-ment relative to the printing direction. Enter the ad-justment value manually based on the resulting pat-tern. (See "Manual Adjustment to Straighten Linesand Colors (Head Posi. Adj.).") →P.841FeedPriori-tyAdj.Priori-tyAutomatic Specify exact paper feeding, if desired. Normally, se-lect Automatic. Choose Print Quality for attractiveprinting. Choosing Print Quality also makes band-ing less noticeable. Choose Print Length if you pre-fer to feed the paper an exact amount. However, notethat slight banding may occur in the direction of car-riage scanning when Print Length is selected.Print QualityPrint LengthAdj.Quali-tyAuto(GenuinePpr) Specify this mode with paper identified in the PaperReference Guide.The printer prints and reads a test pattern for auto-matic adjustment of the feed amount. (See "Auto-matic Banding Adjustment (Adj. Quality).")→P.846Auto(OtherPaper) Specify this mode with paper not in the Paper Refer-ence Guide.Printer Parts > Control Panel >Menu Settings iPF83009916Downloaded from Manuals