ConnectionsE-15ConnectionsBefore connecting phones or other external equipment, besure to first turn down the volume settings of the keyboardand the connected equipment. You can then adjust volume tothe desired level after connections are complete.Rear PanelJ Connecting Phones 1Connecting phones cuts off output from the keyboard’s built-in speakers, so you can play even late at night withoutdisturbing anyone.J Audio Equipment 2Connect the keyboard to a audio equipment using acommercially available connecting cord with a standard plugon one end and two PIN plugs on the other end. Note that thestandard plug you connect to the keyboard must be a stereoplug, otherwise you will be able to output only one of stereochannels. In this configuration, you normally set the inputselector of the audio equipment to the terminal (usuallymarked AUX IN or something similar) where the cord fromthe keyboard is connected. See the user documentation thatcomes with your audio equipment for full details.J Musical Instrument Amplifier 3Use a commercially available connecting cord to connect thekeyboard to a musical instrument amplifier.• Be sure to use a connecting cord that has a stereo standardplug on the end you connect to the keyboard, and aconnector that provides dual channel (left and right) input tothe amplifier to which you are connecting. The wrong type ofconnector at either end can cause one of the stereo channelsto be lost.• When connected to a musical instrument amplifier, set thevolume of the keyboard to a relatively low level and makeoutput volume adjustments using the amplifier’s controls.Connection Example• You can also connect the keyboard to a computer orsequencer. See “MIDI” on page E-75 for details.You can connect an optional sustain pedal (SP-3 or SP-20) tothe SUSTAIN/ASSIGNABLE JACK terminal to enable thecapabilities described below.For details on how to select the pedal function you want, see“Changing Other Settings” on page E-66.1 SUSTAIN/ASSIGNABLE JACK TerminalJ Sustain Pedal• With piano tones, depressing the pedal causes notes tolinger, much like a piano’s damper pedal.• With organ tones, depressing the pedal causes notes tocontinue to sound until the pedal is released.J Sostenuto Pedal• As with the sustain pedal function described above,depressing the sostenuto pedal causes notes to besustained.• This difference between a sostenuto pedal and sustainpedal is the timing.• With a sostenuto pedal, you press the keys and thendepress the pedal before you release the keys. Only thenotes that are sounding when the pedal is depressed aresustained.J Soft PedalDepressing the pedal softens the sound of the notes beingplayed.J Rhythm Start/Stop PedalIn this case, the pedal performs the same functions as theSTART/STOP button.Use only the accessories and options specified for thiskeyboard. Use of non-authorized items creates the danger offire, electrical shock, and personal injury.Phones/Output TerminalWhite Red PIN plugStereo standard plugAudio connectionPHONES/OUTPUT jackKeyboard amp,guitar amp, etc.LEFT RIGHTAUX IN or similar terminalof audio amplifierSustain/Assignable jack TerminalAccessories and Options1SP-20707A-E-017A