MIDIE-75MIDIMIDI is a standard for digital signals and connectors thatallows musical instruments, computers, and other devices,regardless of manufacturer, to exchange data with each other.To use a computer or other MIDI device to record andplayback the MIDI data produced by this keyboard, you mustconnect the MIDI IN and MIDI OUT terminals of both devicesin order to send and receive data.Rear PanelIf a MIDI THRU function provided by the software is beingrun on a connected computer or other MIDI device, be sure toturn this keyboard’s “Local Control Setting” off (page E-70).This keyboard supports General MIDI, so it can be used toplay commercially available pre-recorded General MIDI dataand General MIDI data send to it from a personal computer.See the “Tone List” on page A-1 for details about the tonesthat are available with GM tones numbered 000 to 127.You can change the settings of a number of parameters thatcontrol how MIDI messages are sent and received.You can use the parameter setting procedure (page E-67) tochange the settings of the MIDI parameters described below.See page E-70 for details about the setting menu andprocedure.z MIDI In Chord JudgeThis parameter determines whether note data received froman external device should be interpreted as an autoaccompaniment chord fingering. Turn on this parameterwhen you want to control auto accompaniment chords froma computer or other external device.z Accomp/Song MIDI Out (Accompaniment/Song MIDIOut)Turn on this parameter when you want sound autoaccompaniment or Song Memory on an external devicessound source.• For details about MIDI specifications, visit the CASIOWebsite.http://world.casio.comWhat is MIDI?MIDI ConnectionsGeneral MIDIMIDI cable: MK-5MIDI SettingsMIDI Parameters• on : Causes note data input through MIDI IN to beinterpreted as auto accompaniment chordfingerings. The channel specified by the keyboardchannel is used for specifying chords.• oFF : Turns off “MIDI In Chord Judge”.• on : Outputs auto accompaniment or Song Memory asMIDI messages through the keyboard’s MIDI OUTterminal.• oFF : Does not output auto accompaniment or SongMemory.707A-E-077A