Auto AccompanimentE-30The following procedure describes how to use the keyboard’sAuto Accompaniment feature. Before starting, you shouldfirst select the rhythm you want to use and set the tempo ofthe rhythm to the value you want.1. Use the MODE button to select FULL RANGECHORD, FINGERED, or CASIO CHORD as theaccompaniment mode.2. Press the START/STOP button to start play of thecurrently selected rhythm.3. Play a chord.• The actual procedure you should use to play a chorddepends on the currently selected accompanimentmode. Refer to the following pages for details onchord play.1 Chord name2 Current measure number and beat number3 Basic fingering of current chord(May be different from chord actually being playedon the keyboard.)4. To stop Auto Accompaniment play, press theSTART/STOP button again.• If you press the SYNCHRO/FILL-IN NEXT button and thenthe VARIATION/FILL-IN 1/2 buttons in place of the START/STOP button in step 2, accompaniment will start with an intropattern when you perform the operation in step 3. For detailsabout these buttons, see pages E-32 and E-33.• If you press the VARIATION/FILL-IN 1/2 buttons in place ofthe START/STOP button in step 4, an ending pattern willplay before accompaniment play is ended. For details aboutthis button, see page E-33.• You can adjust the accompaniment part volume levelindependently of the main volume. For details, see“Adjusting the Accompaniment Volume” on page E-35.This method of chord play makes it possible for anyone toeasily play chords, regardless of previous musical knowledgeand experience. The following describes the CASIO CHORD“accompaniment keyboard” and “melody keyboard,” andtells you how to play CASIO CHORDs.J CASIO CHORD Accompaniment Keyboard andMelody Keyboard• The accompaniment keyboard can be used for playingchords only. No sound will be produced if you try playingsingle melody notes on the accompaniment keyboard.J Chord TypesCASIO CHORD accompaniment lets you play four types ofchords with minimal fingering.Using Auto AccompanimentTo use Auto AccompanimentCASIO CHORD : Page E-30FINGERED : Page E-31FULL RANGE CHORD : Page E-31R k 2co1 23CASIO CHORDChord Types ExampleMajor chordsMajor chord names are markedabove the keys of theaccompaniment keyboard. Notethat the chord produced when youpress an accompaniment keyboarddoes not change octave, regardlessof which key you use to play it.C Major (C)Minor chords (m)To play a minor chord, keep themajor chord key depressed andpress any other accompanimentkeyboard key located to the rightof the major chord key.C minor (Cm)Seventh chords (7)To play a seventh chord, keep themajor chord key depressed andpress any other twoaccompaniment keyboard keyslocated to the right of the majorchord key.C seventh (C7)Minor seventh chords (m7)To play a minor seventh chord,keep the major chord keydepressed and press any otherthree accompaniment keyboardkeys located to the right of themajor chord key.C minor seventh (Cm7)707A-E-032A