MIDIE-76The Music Data Management Software application on theCD-ROM that comes bundled with the keyboard lets youtransfer data you downloaded from the CASIO MUSIC SITEfrom your computer to keyboard memory. You can also use itto save keyboard data to your computer’s hard disk. MusicData Management Software supports transfer of thefollowing type of data.• SMF• Rhythm Patterns• Registrations• User songs created in the Song Memory Mode• Drum sounds with waveform• Drawbar organ tones• Tone• Tones with waveforms• DSP• Package file• All user dataCASIO MUSIC SITEhttp://music.casio.com/Music Data Management SoftwareMusic Data Management Software makes it possible for yourcomputer to transfer data you downloaded from the CASIOMusic Site to keyboard memory, and to transfer keyboardmemory data to your computer’s hard disk for storage. Afterstarting up the Music Data Management Software, you canaccess the following three converter applications. Wave ConverterWave Converter creates keyboard Tone With Wave data fromtone data files (.wav) stored on your computer's hard disk. Rhythm ConverterRhythm Converter creates keyboard Rhythm data from SMFformat rhythm data stored on your computer's hard disk. Parameter EditorParameter Editor makes it possible to use your computer toedit keyboard parameters. To install the Music Data Management Software• Before installing the Music Data Management Software, besure to read the contents of the applicable readme.txt file.You can find the readme.txt file inside the same languagefolder where the Music Data Management Software youare installing is located.1. To install the Music Data Management Software, navigateto the CD-ROM on your computer and double-click“wk3-30.exe”. Next, follow the instructions that appear onyour computer screen.* An English-language manual with detailed explanationsabout Music Data Management Software operations islocated in the English folder on the CD-ROM. You canaccess the manual by opening its HTML named“index.html” using one of the following types of webbrowser applications. Other language versions of thismanual are available for free download from the CASIOMUSIC SITE.Internet Explorer 4 or higherNetscape Navigator 4.04 or higher Supported Computer Operating SystemsThe Music Data Management Software will run under thefollowing operating systems.Windows 98SEWindows MeWindows 2000Windows XP• Though Music Data Management Software is designed torun under the standard configurations of the above operatingsystems, note that it may not be able to run correctly undercertain software and hardware environments.• Music Data Management Software does not supportoperation on a Macintosh.Downloading DataVisit the CASIO MUSIC SITE for information aboutdownloading data.When you arrive at the CASIO MUSIC SITE, select ageographic area or country. Next, select an Internet DataExpansion System data download service.Note that the services that are available at the CASIO MUSICSITE depend on the area or country you select.Bundled CD-ROM DataThe CD-ROM that comes bundled with the keyboard has afolder named “Data”, which contains various data folders.For details about the data contained in the data folders, seethe “list.txt” file inside of each folder.Using the Music DataManagement Software (on theBundled CD-ROM)707A-E-078A