E-21Using the Drawbar Organ ModeThe following provides details about the parameters you canconfigure using the drawbar organ tone editing screen.This parameter defines the position of each drawbar, and thevolume of each overtone. The larger the value, the greater thecorresponding overtone’s volume.(Ft: Feet)The parameter determines whether or not a key click is addedwhen a sustained tone configured using the drawbars isplayed.This parameter lets you add percussion sound, whichprovides modulation to sustained tones that you create.When you hold down a key on the keyboard, the soundproduced decays until it is no longer audible. Pressing the keyagain sounds the note again at a louder volume. Percussionhas “2nd Percussion” (2nd overtone pitch) and “3rdPercussion” (3rd overtone pitch) settings, each of which canbe turned on or off.You can also specify the percussion decay time, whichcontrols how long it takes for the percussion sound to decay.J Display Contents in the Drawbar Organ ModeIn the Drawbar Organ Mode, the current status of thedrawbar positions, key click, and percussion parameters areindicated on the display’s bar graph as shown in theillustrations below. There is one line for each parameter, andthe bottom segment of the selected parameter line flashes.The bottom segment of the bar graph column that representsthe currently selected parameter flashes to indicate that it isselected.None of the channel numbers (1 to 16) are displayed in thedrawbar organ tone selection mode and editing mode.Drawbar Position GraphClick and Percussion On/Off GraphPercussion Decay Time GraphParameter DetailsDrawbar PositionParameter Name Parameter DisplayIndication SettingsDrawbar 16’ Ft16’ 0 to 3Drawbar 5 1/3’ Ft 5 1/3’ 0 to 3Drawbar 8’ Ft 8’ 0 to 3Drawbar 4’ Ft 4’ 0 to 3Drawbar 2 2/3’ Ft 2 2/3’ 0 to 3Drawbar 2’ Ft 2’ 0 to 3Drawbar 1 3/5’ Ft 1 3/5’ 0 to 3Drawbar 1 1/3’ Ft 1 1/3’ 0 to 3Drawbar 1’ Ft 1’ 0 to 3ClickParameter Name Parameter DisplayIndication SettingsClick Click oFF:on:Click OffClick OnPercussionParameter Name Parameter DisplayIndication Settings2nd Percussion Second oFF:on:OffOn3rd Percussion Third oFF:on:OffOnPercussion Decay Time Decay 000 to 127Setting Value 0 1 2 3DisplayOffOnFlashSetting Value Off OnDisplaySetting Value 0-31 32-63 64-95 96-127Display707A-E-023A