Selecting and Creating TonesE-32There are two types of parameters: drawbar organ tone specific editable parameters and the same parameters that apply to theother tone categories.• The nine sliders (5), three buttons (2), and four knobs (3) can be used for quick and easy adjustment of some of theparameters in the list below (page E-35).■ Drawbar Organ Specific Editable ParametersPreparationDisplay the screen in step 2 of the procedure under “To edit and save a tone as a user tone” on page E-21.Editable Parameter List• Shaded cells indicate a group made up of multiple items. Press bq ENTER to display the items that make up a group.■ Editable Parameters Common to Other Tone CategoriesSee “Other Editable Items” on page E-29.Editable Drawbar Organ Tone ParametersDisplay Text Description SettingsFt16' 16 feet. Specifies the pull out amount of the 16-foot drawbar. 0 to 8Ft5 1/3' 5 and 1/3 feet. Specifies the pull out amount of the 5 1/3-foot drawbar. 0 to 8Ft8' 8 feet. Specifies the pull out amount of the 8-foot drawbar. 0 to 8Ft4' 4 feet. Specifies the pull out amount of the 4-foot drawbar. 0 to 8Ft2 2/3' 2 and 2/3 feet. Specifies the pull out amount of the 2 2/3-foot drawbar. 0 to 8Ft2' 2 feet. Specifies the pull out amount of the 2-foot drawbar. 0 to 8Ft1 3/5' 1 and 3/5 feet. Specifies the pull out amount of the 1 3/5-foot drawbar. 0 to 8Ft1 1/3' 1 and 1/3 feet. Specifies the pull out amount of the 1 1/3-foot drawbar. 0 to 8Ft1' 1 foot. Specifies the pull out amount of the 1-foot drawbar. 0 to 8Perc.2nd 2nd overtone percussion. Turning this setting on applies a second overtone percussionsound. Off, OnPerc.3rd 3rd overtone percussion. Turning this setting on applies a third overtone percussionsound. Off, OnPerc.Decay Percussion decay time. Specifies the decay time of percussion sound. 0 to 127On Click Key on click. Turns the click sound when a key is pressed on or off. Off, OnOff Click Key off click. Turns the click sound when a key is released on or off. Off, OnType Wave type. Selects either a sine wave or detune for the drawbar tone basic wave. Sin, VinVib.Rate Vibrato rate. Specifies the vibrato rate (frequency). 0 to 127Vib.Depth Vibrato depth. Specifies how vibrato is applied. 0 to 127Rot.Setting >Ent Rotary setting. Group of settings for the 2 ROTARY SLOW/FAST function.Button Assign Button assign. Selects the DSP parameter (page E-88)*1 assigned to 2 ROTARYSLOW/FAST. Off, 1 to 8 *1On Value On value. DSP parameter value when the above button is on (lit). *2Off Value Off value. DSP parameter value when the above button is off (unlit). *2*1: Depends on the currently selected DSP parameter (page E-88).*2: Range of the DSP parameter assigned to 2 ROTARY SLOW/FAST.