Connecting to a ComputerE-80You can transfer user tones, phrases, and other data yousaved with the Synthesizer to a computer for storage. Later,you can return the data back to the Synthesizer when youneed it.You can also edit tone, performance and other Synthesizerdata on a computer, where it is easier to work with. A specialData Editor application is required in order to performoperations such as these.1. Go to the CASIO WORLDWIDE site at thefollowing URL. At the site, select a geographic area or country.3. After accessing the area site, navigate to theminimum computer system requirements forData Editor for this product.• You should be able to find a link to Data Editorinformation on the product introduction page of thisproduct. If you cannot find such a link, use the searchform of the area site where you are located to enter themodel name of this product and search for it.• Note that site contents are subject to change withoutnotice.4. Check if your computer system complies withthe minimum requirements for Data Editor.5. Download Data Editor and its user’s guide toyour computer.6. Follow the procedure in the Data Editor user’sguide you downloaded in step 5 to install DataEditor.7. Use the procedures in the Data Editor user’sguide to transfer and edit data.• See the Data Editor user’s Guide for information aboutthe types of data that can be transferred and the datathat can be edited.Saving and Loading SynthesizerData to a Computer and EditingSynthesizer Data on a Computer