MCO 305 Design Guide__ Parameter Reference __¾ default setting [ ] value for use in communication via serial communication portMG.33.L5.02 – VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 203Set the resolution of the absolute encoder connec-ted to Encoder 2 interface (X55) in positions perrevolution. Encoder resolution can be found onencoder nameplate or datasheet.Note: Parameter only visible when par. 32-02 ≠ 032-04 Absolute Encoder Baudrate X55ENCODERBAUDOption600 [0]1200 [1]2400 [2]4800 [3]¾ 9600 [4]19200 [5]38400 [6]FunctionSelect the baud rate of the attached encoder.Note: This parameter is available with firmwareversion Absolute Encoder Data LengthENCODERDATLENRange [Unit]8 – 37 [Bit] ¾ 25FunctionSpecify the number of data bit’s for the connectedabsolute encoder, see encoder data sheet. This isrequired for MCO 305 to generate the correctnumber of clock bits.Note: Parameter only visible when par. 32-02 ≠ 032-06 Absolute Encoder Clock FrequencyENCODERFREQRange [Unit]78.125 – 2000.000 [kHz] ¾ 262.000FunctionSpecifies the frequency of the absolute encoderclock signal generated by MCO 305. Set a frequen-cy appropriate for the connected encoder.Note: Parameter only visible when par. 32-02 ≠ 032-07 Absolute Encoder Clock GenerationENCODERCLOCKOptionOff [0]¾ On [1]FunctionSelect whether encoder 0 shall generate anabsolute encoder clock signal or not.Select Off [0] if more MCO 305’s are connected tothe same absolute encoder. Only one device (MCO305) is allowed to generate the clock signal andonly one device (encoder or MCO 305) is allowed togenerate the data signal when multiple MCO 305’sare interconnected.Select On [1] if the MCO 305 is connected to justone absolute encoder.Note: Parameter only visible when par. 32-02 ≠ 032-08 Absolute Encoder Cable LengthENCODERDELAYRange [Unit]0 – 300 m ¾ 0FunctionThe absolute encoder (SSI) clock and data signalswill be out of synchronization if the signal delaycaused by the encoder cable is too long. MCO 305is automatically compensating the cable delaywhen the cable length is known. The cable delaycompensation is based on a cable delay of approxi-mately 6ns (6 * 10-9 seconds) per meter.Specify the total cable length (in meters) betweenMCO 305 and the absolute encoder.Note: Parameter only visible when par. 32-02 ≠ 0