MCO 305 Design Guide__ Parameter Reference __¾ default setting [ ] value for use in communication via serial communication portMG.33.L5.02 – VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 23733-84 Behavior after EscESCCONDOption¾ Controlled stop [0]Controlled stop + outputs = 0 [1]Controlled stop + outputs = 1 [2]FunctionESCCOND defines how the FC300 will react to aprogram termination using [Esc].0 = The motor is stopped with maximum decelera-tion, the brake output is activated (if defined),the master simulation is stopped.The outputs remain in the current status.1 = As [0], but all outputs including the FC 300outputs (if controlled by MCO 305) are set at[0].Exception: The brake output – if defined – isalways activated.2 = As [0], but all outputs including the FC 300outputs (if controlled by MCO 305) are set at[1];Exception: The brake output – if defined – isalways activated.33-85 MCO Supplied by External 24VDCEXTERNAL24VOption¾ No [0]Yes [1]FunctionDefines if external 24 V supply is connected or not. 33-9* MCO Port Settings33-90 X62 MCO CAN node IDCANNRRange0 … 127 N/A ¾ 127FunctionDefines the CAN-Node ID for the MCO-Bus on theoption board.The CAN number is defined while the interfacesettings.If the CANNR is set to 9999, no standard CANobjects are created. Standard CAN objects arenecessary for the communication with the APOSSprogram when using the commands OUTMSG,INMSG, and INGLB.33-91 X62 MCO CAN baud rateCANBAUD - 101Option10 Kbps [16]20 Kbps [17]50 Kbps [18]100 Kbps [19]¾ 125 Kbps [20]250 Kbps [21]500 Kbps [22]1000 Kbps [24]FunctionCANBAUD defines the baud rate of the MCO bus.The baud rate can also be set by using the APOSScommand SET and the parameter CANBAUD.SampleSET CANBAUD 22 // set baud rate to 500 KbaudSAVE GLBPARS // save global parameters// restart the device