MCO 305 Design Guide__ Parameter Reference __¾ default setting [ ] value for use in communication via serial communication port214 MG.33.L5.02 – VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark 32-8* Velocity & AccelerationUse the following parameters to specify velocity,acceleration, and ramp.32-80 Maximum Velocity (Encoder)VELMAXRange [Unit]1 – 100000 [RPM] ¾ 1500FunctionVELMAX defines the rated speed of the drive. Thisvalue is listed in RPM and is needed for the calcula-tion of ramps and actual velocities.NB!:The nominal speed refers to the speed ofthe encoder.32-81 Shortest RampRAMPMINRange [unit]0.001 – 3600.000 [s] ¾ 1.000FunctionThe RAMPMIN parameter determines the ShortestRamp (maximum acceleration). It indicates howlong the acceleration phase lasts at the very leastin order to achieve the rated velocity.If you work with the MCO 305 then you shouldalways set the ramps via the option card and not inthe FC 300. The FC 300 ramps must always be setto minimum.32-82 Ramp TypeRAMPTYPE - 32Option¾ Linear [0]S-ramp [1]Movements with limited jerk [2]FunctionThis parameter defines the ramp type: trapeze,sinusoidal, or limited jerk. These ramp type arerelevant for all movements (POSA, POSR, CVEL,and MOTOR STOP), but not with SYNCx.Ramp type 0: trapezeRamp type 1: S- rampRamp type 2: limited jerkMovements with limited jerk start with accelerationzero and increase acceleration by maximum Jerkuntil the maximum acceleration which is defined bypar. 32-81 Shortest Ramp is reached. Then themovement continues with maximum acceleration.At the end the acceleration will be decreased bymaximum jerk until acceleration is zero again. Themaximum jerk is calculated by the parameter JerkDuration JERKMIN.There are four different parameters for theRAMPTYPE = 2 with limited jerk, see Limited Jerkin chapter “Function and Samples”.See also program sample JerkMinTest.m.