MCO 305 Design Guide__ Troubleshooting __256 MG.33.L5.02 – VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademarkError 125Limit switch activatedA motion command has caused a hardware limitswitch to be activated.Through activation of an end limit switch, the con-troller (depending on the par. 33-40 Behavior atEnd Limit Switch) is automatically switched off andthe drive must be manually moved out of this posi-tion, before the error message can be cleared (upto versions < MCO 5.00).The behavior in case of hard and software limitswitches has been improved starting withMCO 5.00: It is possible to clear a Limit error andthen drive in the opposite direction. But if you tryto move in the wrong direction, then the error 198occurs.Limit switches and reference switches allow theusage of any input, that means also largernumbers are supported.Error 149Too many interrupt functionsMore interrupt functions than the maximumpossible number were used. Permitted are:32 ON INT32 ON STATBIT32 ON COMBIT10 ON PARAM20 ON posint GOSUB: ON APOS, ON IPOS, ONMAPOS, ON MCPOS, ON MIPOSError 150No external 24 VExternal 24 V supply is missing.Error 151Too many nested GOSUB commandsIn the program exists too many calls from onesubroutine to another subroutine.The error usually occurs when there is a recurrentreference to one of the sub-programs in a sub-program.Avoid too many (10 is maximum) opposing subrou-tine calls, and avoid subroutines which call them-selves (re-cursive subroutine procedures).Error 152Too many RETURN commandsThere are either more RETURN than correspondingGOSUB commands in the program, or there is adirect jump from a subroutine with a GOTOcommand.Only one RETURN is allowed per sub-program.It is always better to jump to the beginning of asub-program and then to jump with IF… to apreviously defined label.Error 154D. out overloadDigital output overloadedError 155LINK failedLINKGPAR command failed.Error 156Illegal double argumentMathematical error: Illegal arguments for one ofthe “double” function, that means, a floating pointfunction was called with an invalid argument. Forexample sqrt got a negative number or asin or acoswere called with an argument bigger than 1.Double functions are available starting withMCO 5.00.Error 160Internal interrupt errorInterrupt happened, but interrupt address is nolonger valid. (Internal error which should not everhappen.)Error 162Memory errorError in verifying: After saving something in theEPROM (a program or parameters) an error wasdetected during verification.Delete the EPROM with a 3-finger reset and try tosave the program or parameters again.If this is not successful please call the technicalservice department.