MCO 305 Design Guide__ PC Software Interface __66 MG.33.L5.02 – VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademarkEnd DebugThis command removes the APOSS-IDE and the controller from “debug” mode. Watch Add / Start / StopThis function enables online monitoring of thevariables, arrays, system and axis processing dataand axis parameters.All values currently being watched are maintained inthe Watch Window in the bottom-left corner of theAPOSS Window. New values can be added to this listusing Development → Watch Add. Existing valuescan be removed from the list by clicking on thevalue and then pressing the Delete keyboard key.In the Watch Add dialog all program variables andarrays are shown on the left and all system valuesare shown (in a tree) on the right. Add a value tothe Watch Window by clicking on it, selecting theformat to be used to display the value, and thenpressing the Add button. Values can also be addedsimply by double-clicking on the value. Multiplevalues can be added before closing the dialog.If an array value is being added to the Watch Window, then the array indices must be specified. These fieldswill be disabled if the selected value is not an array. Note that only the first 250 elements of an array can bewatched.Activate and stop the monitoring with → Watch Start, → Watch Stop or click .NB!:When monitoring is active, the Watch Window is updated constantly. This consumes both controllerresources and network connection resources. Hence, the number of values being watched shouldbe limited to a reasonable number (usually, not more than 10-15 values, depending on networkconnection speed). If more values than this are required, then the Oscilloscope should be used. Syntax Check [F4]Clicking on Development → Syntax Check will do a “test compile” of the program being edited. This can bea useful function to use while creating new programs or modifying existing programs. It is a quick way tofind syntax errors in the program without having to download the program to the controller and execute it.If a syntax error is found, then the line number and an error description are displayed in the Communica-tions Window and the cursor is automatically placed at the position of the error.The Syntax Check produces a debug file in addition to checking the syntax. This file will have that samename as the program but with the file extension “.ad$”.