MCO 305 Design Guide__ Parameter Reference __¾ default setting [ ] value for use in communication via serial communication port240 MG.33.L5.02 – VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark34-57 Synchronizing ErrorFunctionQueries the actual synchronization error of theslave. This is the distance between the actualmaster position (converted with drive factor andoffset) and the actual position of the slave. Theresult is displayed in UU anda) as an absolute value when the value of theaccuracy window is defined with a plus sign inthe parameter SYNCACCURACY;b) with polarity sign when in SYNCACCURACY thevalue of the window is defined with a minussign.The parameter corresponds to SYNCERR command.34-58 Actual VelocityFunctionActual velocity in UU/s; corresponds to AVELcommand.34-59 Actual Master VelocityFunctionActual velocity master in qc/s; corresponds toMAVEL command.34-60 Synchronizing StatusFunctionFlag to query synchronization status. The para-meter corresponds to SYNCSTAT command.34-61 Axis StatusFunctionDisplays info on status of program execution. Theparameter corresponds to AXEND command.34-62 Program StatusFunctionDisplays axis and control status in 4-Byte values.The parameter corresponds to STAT command. 34-7* Diagnosis ReadoutsParameters for readout of MCO alarms.34-70 MCO Alarm Word 1FunctionDisplays MCO 305 alarm word for readout of MCOerrors in MCT 10.Par. 34-70 cannot be readout while motor isrunning.Bit Hex Dec Meaning0 00000001 1 FC not enabled1 00000002 2 Error not reset2 00000004 4 HOME not done3 00000008 8 Position error4 00000010 16 Index not found5 00000020 32 Hardware endlimit exceeded6 00000040 64 Software endlimit exceeded7 00000080 128 No external 24 V8 00000100 256 Digital outputoverload9 00000200 512 Encoder error10 00000400 1024 Memory error11 00000800 2048 Parametermemorycorrupted12 00001000 4096 Programmemorycorrupted13 00002000 8192 Reset by CPU14 00004000 16384 WAITNDXtimeout15 00008000 32768 Internal MCOfault16 00010000 65536 Home vel zero.. .. .. not used31 80000000 2147483648 MCO alarm word2