16-09 Custom ReadoutRange: Function:0.00Custom-Readou-tUnit*[-999999.99 -999999.99 Custom-ReadoutUnit]View the user-defined readouts as defined in par. 0-30, 0-31and 0- 16-1* Motor StatusParameters for reading the motor status values.16-10 Power [kW]Range: Function:0.0kW* [0.0 - 1000.0 kW] View the motor power in kW. The value shown is calculated onthe basis of the actual motor voltage and motor current. Thevalue is filtered, and therefore approx. 30 ms may pass fromwhen an input value changes to when the data read-out valueschange.16-11 Power [hp]Range: Function:0.00hp * [0.00 - 1000.00 hp] View the motor power in hp. The value shown is calculated onthe basis of the actual motor voltage and motor current. Thevalue is filtered, and therefore approx. 30 ms may pass fromwhen an input value changes to when the data read-out valueschange.16-12 Motor VoltageRange: Function:0.0V * [0.0 - 6000.0 V] View the motor voltage, a calculated value used for controllingthe motor.16-13 Motor FrequencyRange: Function:0.0Hz * [0.0 - 6500.0 Hz] View the motor frequency, without resonance dampening.16-14 Motor CurrentRange: Function:0.00A* [0.00 - 0.00 A] View the motor current measured as a mean value, IRMS. Thevalue is filtered, and thus approx. 30 ms may pass from whenan input value changes to when the data read-out valueschange.2. Parameter Description VLT ® AQUA Drive Programming Guide162 MG.20.O2.02 - VLT ® is a registered Danfoss trademark2