[1] North America Sets par. 1-21Motor Power units to HP and the default value ofpar. 1-23Motor Frequency to 60 Hz.The setting not used is made invisible.0-04 Operating State at Power-up (Hand)Option: Function:Select the operating mode upon reconnection of the frequencyconverter to mains voltage after power down when operating inHand (local)mode.[0] * Resume Resumes operation of the frequency converter maintaining thesame local reference and the same start/stop condition (appliedby [Hand On]/[Off] on the LCP or Hand Start via a digital inputas before the frequency converter was powered down.[1] Forced stop, ref=old Uses saved reference [1] to stop the frequency converter but atthe same time retain in memory the local speed reference priorto power down. After mains voltage is reconnected and afterreceiving a start command (using the LCP [Hand On] button orHand Start command via a digital input) the frequency converterrestarts and operates at the retained speed reference.2.2.3. 0-1* Set-up OperationsDefine and control the individual parameter set-ups.The frequency converter has four parameter setups that can be programmed independently ofeach other. This makes the frequency converter very flexible and able to meet the requirementsof many different AQUA system control schemes often saving the cost of external control equip-ment. For example these can be used to program the frequency converter to operate accordingto one control scheme in one setup (e.g. daytime operation) and another control scheme in an-other setup (e.g. night set back). Alternatively they can be used by an AHU or packaged unit OEMto identically program all their factory fitted frequency converters for different equipment modelswithin a range to have the same parameters and then during production/commissioning simplyselect a specific setup depending on which model within that range the frequency converter isinstalled on.The active setup (i.e. the setup in which the frequency converter is currently operating) can beselected in parameter 0-10 and is displayed in the LCP. Using Multi set-up it is possible to switchbetween set-ups with the frequency converter running or stopped, via digital input or serial com-munication commands (e.g. for night set back). If it is necessary to change setups whilst running,ensure parameter 0-12 is programmed as required. For the majority of AQUA applications it willnot be necessary to program parameter 0-12 even if change of set up whilst running is required,but for very complex applications, using the full flexibility of the multiple setups, it may be required.Using parameter 0-11 it is possible to edit parameters within any of the setups whilst continuingthe frequency converter operation in its Active Setup which can be a different setup to that beingedited. Using parameter 0-51 it is possible to copy parameter settings between the set-ups toenable quicker commissioning if similar parameter settings are required in different set-ups.0-10 Active Set-upOption: Function:Select the set-up in which the frequency converter is to operate.VLT ® AQUA Drive Programming Guide 2. Parameter DescriptionMG.20.O2.02 - VLT ® is a registered Danfoss trademark 272