CD820 Instant Issuance System User’s Guide 7Printer with Optional Multi-HopperCover Open the cover to access the printhead and ribbon.Latch Button Push the latch button on top of the cover to release it andaccess the printhead and ribbon.Cover Ridges Press down on the ridges when closing the cover to make surethat it latches completely on both sides.Print Ribbon Cartridge The print ribbon cartridge is accessible when the cover isopen. Use the cartridge handle to remove it from the printer.Multi-Hopper Cover Unlock the printer and open the multi-hopper cover to loadcard stock.Card Hoppers H1through H6The H1 through H6 hoppers hold up to 100 cards each.Exception Slot The exception slot on a printer with the optional multi-hopperallows you to insert a single card directly into the printer athopper 2.OutputHopperLatch ButtonPrint RibbonCartridgeMulti-HopperCoverCard HoppersH1 through H6CoverCover RidgesException Slot