54 Troubleshooting107: Magstripe read data errorThe printer failed to read the magnetic stripe data from the card. The card will be canceled.1. Make sure that you are using magnetic stripe cards that match the printer settings.2. Make sure that the cards are placed in the printer correctly.Press the USER button on the printer to send a new card to the printer.HINTS & T IPS The data might use a different format than the current printer setting. Ask the system administrator to verify that the card, data, and printer settings match.108: Magstripe read no dataThe printer did not find any magnetic stripe data on card. The card will be canceled.1. Make sure that you are using magnetic stripe cards that match the printer settings.2. Make sure that the cards are placed in the printer correctly.Press the USER button on the printer to send a new card to the printer.HINTS & T IPS The card might have been turned the wrong way. A diagram inside the input hopper showsthe correct orientation. The card might not have a magnetic stripe.109: Print ribbon problemThe print ribbon is not moving properly.1. Open the printer and remove the ribbon cartridge.2. Reposition, repair, or replace the ribbon and advance the repaired area one full turn.3. Replace the ribbon cartridge and close the printer.Press the USER button on the printer to clear the message and send a new card to the printer.HINTS & T IPS Remove any debris from the print area. If a card is in the printer, turn the manual advance knob to move the card so that the printercan eject it.