42 TroubleshootingSomething did not printThe color printing has flawsProblem Probable Cause SolutionNothing is printed on thecard.The print ribbon is loadedincorrectly.Remove the print ribbon and install itcorrectly.The page size was not setto ISO ID-1.Use your card production application toaccess the printer’s print setup and selectISO ID-1 for the page size. The correct pagesize is available after you select the printer.Color printing on top of ablack background doesnot print on the card.The black panel of theribbon is printing overthe color panels.The printer uses the print ribbon panels insequence; the Y panel prints first, then M,and so on. The black panel of the print ribbonis used last and prints over the color panels.For best results, change the 100% blackbackground to a color near black, so that itprints using the YMC (color) panels of theprint ribbon. Refer to “Elements of CardDesign” in the printer’s Installation andAdministrator’s Guide for more informationabout color printing.Problem Probable Cause SolutionOne or more lines appearon the card.The printhead is dirty ordamaged.Clean the printhead. Refer to “Clean thePrinthead” on page 28.The print quality changesfrom the previous card.The ribbon type waschanged while card jobswere in the printerqueue.The type of ribbon installed in the printerdetermines the color profile used when thecard is sent to print. If the ribbon typechanges while jobs are queued, the card maynot print correctly. Allow all queued jobs tocomplete before changing the type of ribbonin the printer. Changing to a ribbon of thesame type does not affect printing.