Understanding Fonts 585FILE LOCATION: C:\Users\fxstdpc-admin\Desktop\0630_UG??\Mioga_AIO_UG_FM\Mioga_AIO_UG_FM\section24.fmD E L L C O N F I D E N T I A L – P R E L I M I N A RY 9 / 1 3 / 1 0 - F O R P R O O F O N LYResident FontsYour printer is equipped with resident fonts stored permanently in print memory.Different fonts are available in PCL 5/PCL 6. Some of the most populartypefaces, like Courier and TimesNew, are available for all printer languages.The following table lists all the fonts resident in your printer. See "Printing FontSample List" for instructions on how to print samples of the fonts. You canselect the resident fonts from your software program or from the operator panel.Resident bitmapped and scalable fontsPCL 5/PCL 6CG Times CG Omega BdIt CoronetCG Times ItCG Times Bd Garamond Antiqua MarigoldCG Times BdIt Garamond KrsvGaramond Hlb ArialUnivers Md Garamond KrsvHlb Arial ItUnivers MdIt Arial BdUnivers Bd Courier Arial BdItUnivers BdIt Courier ItUnivers MdCd Courier Bd TimesNewUnivers MdCdIt Courier BdIt TimesNew ItUnivers BdCd TimesNew BdUnivers BdCdIt LetterGothic TimesNew BdItLetterGothic ItAntiqueOlv LetterGothic Bd SymbolAntiqueOlv ItAntiqueOlv Bd Albertus Md WingdingsAlbertus XBdCG OmegaCG Omega It Clarendon CdCG Omega BdDownloaded from ManualsPrinter.com Manuals