706 Troubleshooting GuideFILE LOCATION: C:\Users\fxstdpc-admin\Desktop\0630_UG??\Mioga_AIO_UG_FM\Mioga_AIO_UG_FM\section31.fmD E L L C O N F I D E N T I A L – P R E L I M I N A RY 9 / 1 3 / 1 0 - F O R P R O O F O N LYBandingAuger markAction Yes No1 Locate the cause of the problem using the PitchConfiguration Chart.a Launch the Tool Box, and click Chart Printon the Diagnosis tab.b Click the Pitch Configuration Chart button.The Pitch Configuration Chart is printed.Is the cause of the problem located?Proceed to theactioncorrespondingto the locationof the problem:• PHD unit - 2• Fuser -Contact Delland replacethe fuser.• Main unit ofthe printer -Contact Dell.Contact Dell.2 Replace the PHD unit if you have a spare unit.a Replace the PHD unit. See "Replacing thePrint Head Device (PHD) Unit " and"Installing a PHD Unit."b After you replace the PHD unit, click ChartPrint on the Diagnosis tab.c Click the Pitch Configuration Chart button.The Pitch Configuration Chart is printed.Does this solve your problem?The task iscomplete.Contact Dell.Downloaded from ManualsPrinter.com Manuals