88 Configuring System Informationw w w . d e l l . c o m | s u p p o r t . d e l l . c o mDefining General Switch InformationThe General page contains links to pages that allow network managers to configure switchparameters.Viewing Switch Asset InformationThe Asset page contains parameters for configuring and viewing general device information,including the system name, location, and contact, the system MAC Address, System Object ID,date, time, and System Up Time. To open the Asset page, click System →General →Asset in thetree view.Figure 6-2. AssetThe Asset page contains the following fields:System Name (0-159 Characters) — Defines the user-defined device name.System Contact (0-159 Characters) — Indicates the name of the contact person.System Location (0-159 Characters) — The location where the system is currently running.MAC Address — Indicates the device MAC address.Sys Object ID — The vendor's authoritative identification of the network management subsystemcontained in the entity.Date (DD/MMM//YY) — The current date. The format is day, month, year, for example,10/OCT/03 is October 10, 2003.Time (HH:MM:SS) — Indicates the time. The format is hour, minute, second, for example,20:12:21 is eight twelve and twenty-one seconds in the evening.