98 Configuring System Informationw w w . d e l l . c o m | s u p p o r t . d e l l . c o m For example:Table 6-13. Clock Setting CLI CommandsThe following is an example of the CLI commands:Viewing System Health InformationThe System Health page displays physical device information, including information about the device’spower and ventilation sources. To open the System Health page, click System→General→Health inthe tree view.console(config)# clock summer-time recurring usaconsole(config)# clock time zone 2 zone TMZ2console(config)# clock set 10:00:00 apr 15 2004CLI Descriptionclock source sntp Configures an external time source for the system clock.clock time zone hours-offset[minutes minutes-offset][zoneacronym]Sets the time zone for display purposes.clock summer-time Configures the system to automatically switch to summertime (Daylight Savings Time).clock summer-time recurring{usa| eu| week day monthhh:mm week day monthhh:mm} [offset offset] [zoneacronym]Configures the system to automatically switch to summertime (according to the USA and European standards).clock summer-time date datemonth year hh:mm date monthyear hh:mm [offset offset][zone acronym]Configures the system to automatically switch to summertime (Daylight Savings Time) for a specific period -date/month/year format.console(config)# clock timezone -6 zone CSTconsole(config)# clock summer-time recurring first sun apr 2:00last sun oct 2:00console(config)# clock source sntpconsole(config)# interface ethernet e14console(config-if)# sntp client enableconsole(config-if)# exitconsole(config)# sntp broadcast client enable