117Explanation of termsAAdobe RGB color, Adobe YCC601 colorThe color space defined by Adobe Systems Inc.Because it is a wider color space than RGB, it canproduce more vivid and natural images.AirPlayAirPlay sends (plays) contents recorded in iTunesor on an iPhone/iPod touch/iPad to a compatibledevice via the network.App StoreApp Store is a site that sells application softwarefor such devices as the iPhone or iPod Touch, andis operated by Apple Inc.Audyssey Dynamic EQ®Dynamic EQ solves the problem of deterioratingsound quality as volume is decreased by taking intoaccount human perception and room acoustics.Audyssey Dynamic EQ® works in tandem withAudyssey MultEQ® to provide well-balanced soundfor every listener at any volume level.Audyssey Dynamic Volume®Dynamic Volume solves the problem of largevariations in volume level between televisionprograms, commercials, and between the softand loud passages of movies. Audyssey DynamicEQ® is integrated into Dynamic Volume so that asthe playback volume is adjusted automatically, theperceived bass response, tonal balance, surroundimpression, and dialog clarity remain the same.Audyssey MultEQ®MultEQ® is a room equalization solution thatcalibrates any audio system so that it can achieveoptimum performance for every listener in alarge listening area. Based on several roommeasurements, MultEQ® calculates an equalizationsolution that corrects for both time and frequencyresponse problems in the listening area and alsoperforms a fully automated surround system setup.Auto Lip SyncIf you connect the unit to a TV that supports theAuto Lip Sync function, it can automatically correctdelay between the audio and video.DDeep ColorAn imaging technology supported by HDMI. UnlikeRGB, which uses 8 bits (256 shades) per color, it canuse 10 bits (1024 shades), 12 bits (4096 shades), or16 bits (65536 shades) to produce colors in higherdefinition.Both devices linked via HDMI must support DeepColor.DLNADLNA and DLNA CERTIFIED are trademarks and/or service marks of Digital Living Network Alliance.Some contents may not be compatible with otherDLNA CERTIFIED® products.Dolby DigitalDolby Digital is a multi-channel digital signal formatdeveloped by Dolby Laboratories.A total of 5.1 channels are played: 3 front channels(“FL”, “FR” and “C”), 2 surround channels(“SL” and “SR”) and the “LFE” channel for lowfrequencies.Because of this, there is no crosstalk betweenchannels and a realistic sound field with a “three-dimensional” feeling (sense of distance, movementand positioning) is achieved.A realistic, powerful sense of presence is achievedwhen playing movie sources in AV rooms as well.Dolby Digital PlusDolby Digital Plus is an improved Dolby Digital signalformat that is compatible with up to 7.1 channelsof discrete digital sound and also improves soundquality thanks to extra data bit rate performance.It is upwardly compatible with conventional DolbyDigital, so it offers greater flexibility in response tothe source signal and the conditions of the playbackdevice.Dolby Pro Logic gDolby Pro Logic g is a matrix decoding technologydeveloped by Dolby Laboratories.Regular music such as that on CDs is encoded into5 channels to achieve an excellent surround effect.The surround channel signals are converted intostereo and full band signals (with a frequencyresponse of 20 Hz to 20 kHz or greater) to createa “three-dimensional” sound image offering a richsense of presence for all stereo sources.Dolby TrueHDDolby TrueHD is a high definition audio technologydeveloped by Dolby Laboratories, using losslesscoding technology to faithfully reproduce the soundof the studio master.This format provides the facility to support up to8 audio channels with a sampling frequency of96 kHz/24 bit resolution and up to 6 audio channelswith a sampling frequency of 192 kHz/24 bitresolution. Dolby TrueHD is adopted for applicationsthat put very high importance on sound quality.DownmixThis function converts the number of channels ofsurround audio to less number of channels andplays back.DTSThis is an abbreviation of Digital Theater System,which is a digital audio system developed by DTS.When playing back audio by connecting this systemwith a device such as DTS amplifier, accurate soundfield position and realistic sound effect as if you arein a movie theater can be obtained.DTS 96/24DTS 96/24 is a digital audio format enabling highsound quality playback in 5.1 channels with asampling frequency of 96 kHz and 24 bit quantizationon DVD-Video.DTS Digital SurroundDTS Digital Surround is the standard digital surroundformat of DTS, Inc., compatible with a samplingfrequency of 44.1 or 48 kHz and up to 5.1 channelsof digital discrete surround sound.DTS ExpressDTS Express is an audio format supporting low bitrates (max. 5.1 channels, 24 to 256 kbps).DTS-HDThis audio technology provides higher sound qualityand enhanced functionality than the conventionalDTS and is adopted as an optional audio for Blu-rayDisc. This technology supports multi-channel, highdata transfer speed, high sampling frequency, andlossless audio playback. Maximum 7.1-channels aresupported in Blu-ray Disc.DTS-HD High Resolution AudioDTS-HD High Resolution Audio is an improvedversion of the conventional DTS, DTS-ES andDTS 96/24 signals formats, compatible withsampling frequencies of 96 or 48 kHz and up to7.1 channels of discrete digital sound. High databit rate performance provides high quality sound.This format is fully compatible with conventionalproducts, including conventional DTS digitalsurround 5.1-channel data.DTS-HD Master AudioDTS-HD Master Audio is a lossless audio formatcreated by Digital Theater System (DTS). Thisformat provides the facility to support up to 8 audiochannels with a sampling frequency of 96 kHz/24 bit resolution and up to 6 audio channels witha sampling frequency of 192 kHz/24 bit resolution.It is fully compatible with conventional products,including conventional DTS digital surround5.1-channel data.DTS NEO:6™ SurroundDTS NEO:6™ is a matrix decoding technologyfor achieving 6.1-channel surround playbackwith 2-channel sources. It includes “DTS NEO:6Cinema” suited for playing movies and “DTSNEO:6 Music” suited for playing music.Dynamic rangeThe difference between the maximum undistortedsound level and the minimum discernible levelabove the noise emitted by the device.