Programming universal remote controls 41DX-19LD150A11Programming universal remotecontrolsProgramming a different universalremote controlYou can operate your Dynex TV with a new or existinguniversal remote control.To program a different universal remote control:1 See the table below for common codes. If you haveproblems programming your remote or need adifferent remote control code, for thelatest remote control code information.2 Follow your universal remote control’s instructionsto enter the TV code you found in Step 1.For additional help and information…1. Visit Call technical support for the universal remote controlor cable/satellite company of the remote/set-top box youare trying to program.3. Call the Dynex Customer Care Center 1-800-305-2204Common universal remote control codesThe following is a list of the most common remote controlcodes. Codes for other remote controls are availableonline at:, orcheck with your cable or satellite TV provide for theremote control code.Dynex TV codes for universal remote controls (for allDynex TVs manufactured after Jan. 1, 2007)Tips• If your universal remote control has a codesearch feature, run a code search to identify acode that matches your TV. See your universalremote control’s instructions for details.• If your universal remote control has a “Learn”feature, you can manually program it using theDynex TV remote to “teach” the commands oneat a time. See your universal remote control’sinstructions for details.Notes• This note only goes with TV/Blu-ray or TVs.• The following codes may not provide fullfunctionality. You may need to use the remotecontrol that came with your TV, especially tocontrol the Blu-ray or DVD functions.Universal remote control makes and modelsOne for All 0054Phillips 0198, 0490RCA 135Sony 068, 069, 078, 096, 100, 164,168, 229, 026Set-top box makes and modelsCablevision 068, 069, 078, 096, 100, 164,168, 229, 026Charter2002, 1204, 1423, 1517, 0171,1963, 0463, 1463, 0842, 1326,167, 415, 424, 450, 456, 461,507, 523, 567, 577, 586Comcast 10171, 11204, 11326, 11463,11517, 11641, 11780, 11785,11892, 11963, 12002Cox 1326, 1463DirectTV 10171, 11204, 11326, 11517,11564, 11641, 11963, 12002Dish Network 720Time Warner 400, 450, 461, 456, 11463,1463, 0463TiVo 0091Verizon 0198, 0490Tips• The brand name is often visible on the front ofthe universal remote control, and the modelnumber is often visible on the back.• If your universal remote control isn’t listed onthe chart, refer to your universal remotecontrol’s instructions and try codes for thebrands Orion, Emerson, Memorex, Sansui,Sylvania, or Zenith. You may need to try severalcodes before finding a match.