7Mounting- and Operating Instruction CEAG DualGuard-S 40071860347 January 2020 www.ceag.de2.7 Packaging2.6 Transport InspectionImmediately check the delivery upon receipt for complete-ness and any transport damage.In the event of clearly identifiable external transport damage,do not accept delivery or only accept it with reservations.2.7 PackagingIf no take-back agreement for packaging has been conclu-ded, separate the materials according to Typee and size andforward them for use or for recycling.ATTENTION!Always dispose of the packaging material in an environ-mentally safe manner and in accordance with valid localwaste disposal regulations. Where appropriate, contract theservices of a recycling company.The components included in the delivery can be identified eit-her by number and Typee or on the basis of a battery drawing.Do not stack pallets on top of one another.Always observe the handling instructions on the packaging!For products labeled “fragile” all measures should be takento prevent damage during transport.2.8 Requirements and Prep• Prevent or remove soiling on surfaces, dust, etc.• The storage area should comply withthe following requirements:• Protect blocks against effects from wea-ther, dampness or flooding.• Protect blocks against direct or indirect sunlight.• Storage rooms for Batterys should bekept clean, dry and frost free.• Batterys must be protected against short-circuitby metal objects or conductive contaminants.• Batterys must be protected from falling ob-jects, against falling and tipping over.2.9 Storage ConditionsTemperatures affect the self-discharge rate. D Storage on pal-lets packaged with plastic foil is generally allowed. However,this is not recommended if the room is subject to large tem-perature fluctuations or if high relative humidity beneath thefoil results in condensation. Over time the condensation canproduce a white film on the lead poles (hydration) resultingin a high rate of self-discharge produced by leakage current.The stacking of pallets or devices is not permitted. Avoidstoring unpackaged blocks on surfaces with sharp edges. Itis recommended that the same Typee of storage conditionsbe provided for separate batches, pallets or rooms.2.10 StoragePrior to assembly, store packaged items unopened andaccording to labeling on the exterior.Only store packages ander the following conditions:• Never store out-of-doors• Always store in a dry, dust-free placeIt is in the interest of the user that storage time be kept asshort as possible.2.11 Storage TimeMaximum storage time is 12 months at a temperature of20°C.Higher Temperatures result in higher rates of self-dischargeand shorten the intervalsbetween re-charging.Fig. 1: Sprinter – Residual Capacity in % of C10 versus storagetime at different temperaturesFig. 2: Marathon – Residual Capacity in % of C10 versusstorage time at different temperatures