Page 10 I.L.15.01.T.K.Effective June 2000Preferred Source – MP1-E OnlyRequires Option 10This feature permits the selection of eithersource (1 or 2) as the preferred or normalsource. The normal source is the source thatthe switch always looks to for availability sothat it can transfer to it.Manual Return To Normal – MP1-E OnlyRequires Option 29A manual operated momentary contact(normally open) operates in conjunction withthe Manual Return to Normal option toreplace the TDEN timing function. With themanual mode set, closure of this contact willprompt an immediate transfer bypassing theTDEN time delay. This ensures that a re-transfer occurs only at the discretion of theoperator.6.7 Output Contact DescriptionsThe control outputs of the ATS-MP1controller are dry relay contacts. Theserelays are comprised of a latching Form Arelay to provide the Generator Start Relaycontact, a Form A contact for the TransferMotor Relay contact, and a Form C relay foran alarm output. The dielectric rating foreach output is a minimum of 1500 VACGenerator Start RelayThis latching relay is the generator startrelay for system configurations that employa generator on the emergency source. Thisrelay employs a Form A contact for closureof the generator start circuit. The Generatorstart relay is rated for 5A @ 30VDC with a30W maximum load.Transfer Motor RelayThis is a Form A contact is used to close theelectrical path of the transfer motor controlcircuit. Closure of this contact will initiate atransfer from the normal source toemergency source and from emergencysource to normal source as required pernormal transfer switch operation.Alarm RelayThe full Form C contact of this relay may bewired to an alarm enunciator panel toindicate problem with the ATS. This relay isnormally energized to indicate an absenceof an alarm state. De-energization of thisrelay indicates the presence of an alarmcondition. An alarm condition will occur if atransfer has been initiated but is nevercompleted (This may indicate thatsomething is wrong with the motor ortransfer mechanism). The alarm contactwill also change state if the controllerdetects a phase reversal condition betweenthe normal and emergency sources. Thecontroller will also inhibit transfer on thisconditionPre-Transfer Relay (MP1-E Only)Requires Option 35This feature provides for the control of anexternal 120V instant relay with 2 Form Ccontacts to remotely signal that a re-transferis about to take place.7. Operation Voltage andMeasurementBoth the MP1 and MP1-E operate on singleand three phase systems with selectablefrequency settings of 50Hz or 60Hz.7.1 MP1This MP1 operates directly from the linesensing inputs of the two different sources(normal and emergency). The nominaloperating system inputs are from 110VAC-240VAC. The standard system assumesthat neutral is available and that the transfermotor can therefore be powered from anavailable 120 VAC source. If a neutralconductor is not available, a 120VAC supplyis created by an external transformer.7.2 MP1-EThe MP1-E provides the user with anenhanced feature set, and a wider range ofvoltage measurement, from 110VAC-600VAC. A high impedance resistive circuitis used in series with the voltage sensinginputs to reduce the voltage applied to thecontroller to comply with safety codes fordoor-mounted devices. The power supplyfor the MP1-E requires a 120VAC source,provided by an external transformer.