I.L.15.01.T.K. Page 11Effective June 20008. Options and SetpointsThe options and setpoints are stored in non-volatile memory. A standard option isenabled on every controller. Thosedesignated as programmable can be addedat the factory at the customer’s request(usually at an additional cost), or can beadded in the field via PC software and/or anoption key. Setpoint values are modified byusing the pushbutton keys on the front panelor using the Cutler-Hammer ATS-ConnectField Update software.NOTICEREFER TO BOTH THE FACTORY TESTSHEET, AND THE DRAWINGS THATSHIPPED WITH THE TRANSFER SWITCHTO DETERMINE THE OPTIONS THATARE INSTALLED. AN OPTION WILL NOTBE FUNCTIONAL, NOR WILL THEPARAMETERS BE ADJUSTABLETHROUGH THE SETPOINTS MENU IF ANOPTION IS NOT ENABLED.8.1 MP1 Series ControllerOptionsStandard option - TDNETime Delay Normal to EmergencyProvides a time delay when transferring thenormal source to the emergency source. Toensure stability of the emergency source.Timing begins when the emergency sourcebecomes available.Standard option - TDESTime Delay Engine StartDelays the initiation of the engine startcircuit in order to override momentary poweroutages or voltage fluctuations of the normalsource. The TDES timer shall start whenthe normal source becomes unavailable. Ifthe normal source becomes available whiletiming, the TDES timer shall reset. Thecontroller can perform the time delay enginestart function without control power for 120seconds.Standard option - TDENTime Delay Emergency to NormalDelays the transfer from the emergencysource to the normal source to permitstabilization of the normal source before re-transfer is made. Timing begins when thenormal source becomes available.If the emergency source fails during timingfor a period greater than 0.5 seconds,transfer to normal source is immediate. Ifthe normal source fails during timing, theTDEN timer shall reset once the normalsource becomes available again.Standard option - TDECTime Delay Engine CooldownPermits the generator to continue to rununloaded after retransfer to the normalsource has occurred. Timing begins whenthe transfer to normal has been completed.Emergency Source Frequency/VoltageSensingContinuously monitors the emergencysource for one of the conditions listed below.When the emergency frequency and/orvoltage is outside the dropout setpoints, thesource will become unavailable. Thesource’s frequency and/or voltage will thenhave to be within the pickup setpoints tobecome available again.a) Emergency Source Undervoltage(Standard option)b) Emergency Source Underfrequency(Standard option)c) Emergency Source Overvoltage(Optional Feature)d) Emergency Source Overfrequency(Optional Feature)Normal Source Frequency/VoltageSensingContinuously monitors the normal source forout of range setpoint values. When thenormal frequency and/or voltage is outsidethe dropout setpoints, the source willbecome unavailable. This will then prompt atransfer to the emergency source once itbecomes available. The normal source’sfrequency and/or voltage will then have tobe within the pickup setpoints to becomeavailable again for a retransfer.a) Normal Source Undervoltage (Standardoption)