I.L.15.01.T.K. Page 17Effective June 200011. TroubleshootingWARNINGHAZARDOUS VOLTAGES IN ANDAROUND TRANSFER SWITCHEQUIPMENT DURING THE PROBLEMSOLVING PROCESS CAN CAUSEPERSONAL INJURY AND/OR DEATH.AVOID CONTACT WITH ANY VOLTAGESOURCE WHILE PROBLEM SOLVING.ONLY PROPERLY TRAINED PERSONNELFAMILIAR WITH THE TRANSFERSWITCH EQUIPMENT AND ITSASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT SHOULD BEPERMITTED TO PERFORM THEPROBLEM SOLVING FUNCTION. IF ANINDIVIDUAL DOES NOT FEEL QUALIFIEDTO PERFORM THE PROBLEM SOLVINGFUNCTION, THE INDIVIDUAL SHOULDNOT ATTEMPT TO PERFORM ANY OFTHESE PROCEDURES.A basic problem solving effort is the firststep to take prior to calling for assistance.Frequently, the effort will successfullyaddress most problems encountered. Theproblem solving procedure is presented inthe following paragraphs as observedProblem Symptoms and one or morepossible Solution Steps. All of the stepspresented may not apply to all transferswitches, depending upon the logiccontroller. If a problem persists after havingcompleted the problem solving procedure,contact a Cutler-Hammer representative forfurther assistance. When calling forassistance, the following is the minimuminformation required to properly address theneed:1. Shop Order Number (SO#) or GeneralOrder Number (GO#) of transfer switch.2. Catalog and/or Style Number of transferswitch3. Actual location of transfer switch (type offacility, address, etc.)4. Company name5. Name and position of individualrepresenting company6. Basic description of situation as it exists7. Any results of problem solving stepstaken and/or readings taken of the systemvoltage that now appears on the loadterminals.A. Gen-Set Does Not Start When TestSwitch is Operated and Held in “Test”Position.1. Check Operation. Make sure the TestSelector Switch is held in “test” positionlonger than the TDES time delay.2. Check Engine Controls. Make surecontrol is in “Automatic” position. Makesure batteries are charged andconnected. Make sure engine startcircuit is wired.3. Check Wiring. Make sure the startsignal wires from the engine controlsare connected to the correct terminalson the Control Panel. See theSchematic/Wiring Diagram.4. Check Signal Circuit. Disconnect andtape start signal wires. Connect theohmmeter between the control panelterminals 51 and 52. The readingshould indicate an open circuit. Turnthe Test Selector Switch to “Test”position. After TDES time delay, theohmmeter should indicate a closedcircuit.B. Transfer Switch Does Not Retransferthe Load after Normal Source Returns orafter Test Switch is returned to “Auto’position.1. Check Operation. Make sure time haspassed to allow for TDEN time delay.2. Check Normal Source Voltage Levels.On a three phase system, voltmetershould read phase to phase voltage.3. Check Signal Circuit. Confirm that theTest Switch has reopened. Make surethe controller display does not read“Area Protection”. An ohmmeter shouldindicate an open circuit betweenterminals P10-6 & P10-7 on thecontroller.4. Confirm “Manual Return to Normal”is not enabled (MP1-E Only). If themanual return to normal option isenabled, the controller will wait for aclosed contact (a pushbutton) on inputsP10-6 & P10-9. Check that thepushbutton is connected properly, andwhen the pushbutton is pressed, thecontacts are closing.