I.L.15.01.T.K. Page 3Effective June 20003. IntroductionThis technical document is intended to covermost aspects associated with theinstallation, application, operation andmaintenance of the ATS-MP1 and ATS-MP1-E series controller. It is provided as aguide for authorized and qualified personnelonly in the selection and application of anAutomatic Transfer Switch with the Cutler-Hammer ATS-MP1 series controller. Pleaserefer to the specific WARNING andCAUTION in Section 3.1 before proceeding.If the purchaser requires further informationregarding a particular installation, applicationor maintenance activity, a Cutler-Hammerrepresentative should be contacted.3.1 Safety PrecautionsAll safety codes, safety standards and/orregulations must be strictly observed in theinstallation, operation and maintenance ofthis device.WARNINGTHE WARNINGS AND CAUTIONSINCLUDED AS PART OF THEPROCEDURAL STEPS IN THISDOCUMENT ARE FOR PERSONNELSAFETY AND PROTECTION OFEQUIPMENT FROM DAMAGE. ANEXAMPLE OF A TYPICAL WARNINGLABEL HEADING IS SHOWN INREVERSE TYPE TO FAMILIARIZEPERSONNEL WITH THE STYLE OFPRESENTATION. THIS WILL HELP TOINSURE THAT PERSONNEL ARE ALERTTO WARNINGS, WHICH MAY APPEARTHROUGHOUT THE DOCUMENT.CAUTIONCOMPLETELY READ AND UNDERSTANDTHE MATERIAL PRESENTED IN THISDOCUMENT BEFORE ATTEMPTINGINSTALLATION, OPERATION ORAPPLICATION OF THE EQUIPMENT. INADDITION, ONLY QUALIFIED PERSONSSHOULD BE PERMITTED TO PERFORMANY WORK ASSOCIATED WITH THEEQUIPMENT. ANY WIRINGINSTRUCTIONS PRESENTED IN THISDOCUMENT MUST BE FOLLOWEDPRECISELY. FAILURE TO DO SO COULDCAUSE PERMANENT EQUIPMENTDAMAGE.3.2 General DescriptionCSA Standard C22.2 No. 178-1978 definesan automatic transfer switch as, “self actingequipment for transferring one or more loadconductor connections from one powersource to another.” The same Standard alsogives definitions for type A and type Bautomatic transfer switches. “Transfer switchtype A means an automatic transfer switchthat does not employ integral overcurrentdevices.” “Transfer switch, type B means anautomatic transfer switch that (does) employintegral overcurrent protection.” Cutler-Hammer automatic transfer switches areavailable in both types.3.2.1 Type AType A are equipped with specialinstantaneous magnetic only interrupters.The trip settings of these special interruptersare set (and fixed) at higher than standardvalues. They are intended to trip only if theupstream protective device fails to clear afault. Incorporating these special magneticonly interrupters, a type A automatic transferswitch operates in exactly the same way asa transfer switch not having this feature. Inthe event that both devices trip, the controlcircuitry will automatically initiate transfer tothe alternate source. The transfer operationwill reset the “tripped” magnetic onlyinterrupter.3.2.2 Type BType B switches are equipped with standardmoulded case circuit breakers with standardthermal-magnetic trip units that will providethe required over-load and short circuitprotection. Type B switches can also be builtusing electronic trip units, which gives theability to include ground fault tripping, aswell as overload (long and short time) andshort circuit protection (instantaneous). Forapplication information or assistance withtype B switches, refer to Cutler-Hammer.For the remainder of this manual, theswitching devices employed in the switchshall be referred to as breakers. This canimply either magnetic-trip only moulded caseswitches (MCS), or moulded case circuitbreakers (MCCB) with overcurrent trip units.