Page 12 I.L.15.01.T.K.Effective June 2000b) Normal Source Underfrequency(Optional Feature)c) Normal Source Overvoltage (OptionalFeature)d) Normal Source Overfrequency(Optional Feature)Standard Option – Phase ReversalMP1-E OnlyThe alarm contact will change state if thecontroller detects a phase reversal conditionbetween the normal and emergencysources. The controller will also inhibittransfer on this condition.Standard Option - Plant ExerciserThis option provides for automatic testoperation of the generator. The interval isfixed at once per week with duration equal tothe programmed engine test time (ERT).Two optional modes of plant exercising areavailable:a) No Load Exerciseb) Load Exercising with failsafeIf desired, this option can be disabled bychoosing “No” at the “Plant Exerciser”prompt in the menu. Also if “---“ is chosenas the test day, the engine will not beexercised.Optional Feature 8 - Pushbutton Bypassof Time Delays (PBNE/PBEN)Enables the user to bypass TDNE or TDENtimer during a test or exercise. Pressing theexternal pushbutton shall cause the transferswitch to transfer to the normal and/oremergency source without a time delay.Three optional modes of bypassing areavailable:a) PBNE – Pushbutton Bypass Time DelayNormal to Emergencyb) PBEN – Pushbutton Bypass Time DelayEmergency to Normalc) PBG – Pushbutton Bypass Time DelayGlobal (Both TDNE & TDEN)Optional Feature 10 - Preferred Source(PFR SRC) MP1-E OnlyPermits the selection of either source (1 or2) as the preferred source. The preferredsource is the source that the MP1-Econtroller looks to for availability so that thetransfer switch may remain in this positionand supply the load with this source.The preferred source will be considered thesame as the “normal” source and thealternate source will be considered the sameas the “emergency” source. All time delays(e.g. TDNE, TDEN) will be a function of thisfeature and follow the preferred source.Three optional modes of Preferred SourceSelection are programmable:PS1 – Source 1 is selected as preferred.Source 2 is the alternate source.PS2 – Source 2 is selected as preferred.Source 1 is the alternate source.PS0 – No Source is selected as preferredNote: If the preferred source feature is notprogrammed, Source 1 will default as thepreferred source and Source 2 will defaultas the alternate source.If no sources are selected as preferred, thetransfer switch will remain on any sourcethat is available and meets the programmedset-point criteria. Moreover, in this mode ofoperation, the transfer switch will onlytransfer from Source 1 to Source 2 or fromSource 2 to Source 1 if a failure occurs onthe source that the transfer switch resideson. It should be noted that the preferredsource contact is disabled when there is nopreferred source selected. However, if theArea protection option is enabled andprompted, the controller will react bytransferring to the appropriate source asdescribed in the Area Protection feature.Optional Feature 26D - Test/AreaProtectionThis feature provides for a remote customercontact. This option is always enabled in thecontroller, but as an option, terminal blockconnections may be provided for a remotesignal.Closure of this contact will cause thecontroller to initiate a transfer to Source 2 ifthe transfer switch is in Source 1 position.Opening of this contact will cause thecontroller to initiate a transfer to Source 1 ifthe transfer switch on Source 2 position.This feature is typically used if it is knownthat there may be problems with the NormalSource such as an impending lightningstorm, or the local utility performingmaintenance in the area. The switch will