Menvier30/40/100/300 1. IntroductionPage 9Duress Code A duress code can only set or unset the system. When useremploys a duress code the control unit notifies the alarm receiving centre.The Installer must program your system to provide this feature, and youmust agree with your alarm installer and the ARC what action the ARCshould take on receiving a duress message. A duress code cannot have aremote or prox tag, or any access to the user menu.Guard A guard can only unset the system when it is in alarm, reset it, andthen set the system again. A guard cannot change their own access codeor add/remove another user. In a ward based system the guard can beallocated to one or more wards, which are the only parts of the system thatthey can set and unset.Set Only This type of user can set the system, but not unset it. A set onlyuser cannot change their access code or add/delete another user. In award based system a Set Only user can be allocated to one or more wards,which are the only parts of the system that the user can set.Easy Set This type of user is intended for setting and unsetting one ormore wards, without having to choose which ward to set. If one or morewards allocated to the user are already set then the control unit will unsetthose wards when the user presents their tag or enters their access code.When the user presents their tag (or enters the access code) again thenthe control unit sets all the wards allocated to the user – even if there areany alerts present. (If any zones are open in those wards then the controlunit will not set the system.)Shunt Group This type of user code is used purely for activating anddeactivating shunt groups (see page 38). The installer must allocate zonesto shunt groups, and then a Master User or Admin User can create one ormore shunt group access codes allocated to any of those shunt groups.For details on how to add and remove users see page 40.Identifying UsersThe control unit identifies each user internally by a unique number. Thenumber is in the range 01 to 50 for the Menvier30, 001 to 100 for theMenvier40, 001 to 250 for Menvier100, and 001 to 500 for the Menvier300.When a Master User or Administrator adds or edits other users the keypadshows user numbers as “User nnn”, for example “User 001” or “User 023”.To help Master Users and Administrators identify other users the controlunit allows each user to have a 12 character name. The Master User orAdministrator keys in the name when adding the user to the system. If auser has a name on the system, then the control unit shows that name on