4. Administration Menvier30/40/100/300Page 88again after a set time. You canprogram the length of time theoutput remains on.15. Press or to select the optionyou wish to use.For example: 16. Press to confirm your choice.The keypad gives a double “beep”confirmation tone. The keypaddisplay shows: To Program Duration Times for non-Latched OutputsFirst make sure that the output you wish to use is programmed asLatched=No (see steps 1 to 16 starting on page 86).17. Press until the display shows: 18. Press .The display shows the length oftime the output will stay turned on(in seconds).19. Key in the number of seconds that youwant the output to stay on. Themaximum is 999s.20. Press .The keypad gives a double “beep”confirmation tone. The keypaddisplay shows: 25. Press to leave the menu.Note: You can switch the output on and off from the Menu by selectingOutputs On/Off (see page 107).If you want to program a remote control to control the output, seepage 95.To Program On and Off Times for Latched Outputs