4. Administration Menvier30/40/100/300Page 86Programming OutputsDuring programming the installer may allocate some outputs so that theycan be reprogrammed by an Administrator. This section describes how theAdministrator can use those outputs.For each output you can, if you wish, set an “on” time and an “off” time sothat the output will go on and off at fixed times each day. In addition,Master, Admin and Normal users can switch the output on or off at anytime.To program an output:1. Make sure the display shows thestandby screen.2. Press . 3. Key in your access code (orpresent a tag). 4. Press until you see:. 5. Press .The bottom line of the displayshows: 6. Press until the display shows:Note: This option is only visible if theinstaller has allocated someoutputs to you.7. Press .The top line of the display showsthe physical address of the first in alist of outputs that are available toedit. The bottom line shows eitherthe name of the output (if theinstaller has given the output aname) or the output number.