Menvier30/40/100/300 1. IntroductionPage 11Proximity TagsA proximity tag is a small plastic token with a low powered radio transmitterinside. Each tag contains a unique identity code. (There are 4,294,967,296(232) different tag identity codes.) Inside the keypad is a sensor. When youpresent the tag within about 10mm of the front of the keypad, the controlunit senses the presence of the tag and reads its identity code.If a user presents a tag that the control unit recognises then the control unitallows the user to access the system in the same way as if they had keyedin a recognised access code.Please note: the KEY-K01 keypad does not have a proximity tag sensor.You cannot use proximity tags with this keypad. Ask your installer whattype of keypad is installed in your system.Code LockoutIf a user has problems remembering their code, or has acquired anunrecognised tag, they may try keying in their code or presenting the tagseveral times. If this happens four times in a row then the control unit locksall keypads for 90 seconds and starts a tamper alarm. Once the 90seconds is finished then the keypads will allow users to try once again. Ifthe user gets it wrong again then the keypad will lock them out for a further90s. Note that the system will log the fact that someone has locked thekeypads in this way by recording “Excess keys tamper”.If your alarm system is connected to an alarm receiving centre then thecontrol unit will send a signal to the centre as a result of the tamper alarm.Remote ControlsA remote control is a transmitter that you can attach to a key ring. Theremote control has four buttons and a small LED that glows when ittransmits a signal.Note that to prevent accidental operation the user must hold a button downfor at least two seconds to ensure a transmission.When delivered from the factory three of the buttons are dedicated tosetting or unsetting the system (see Figure 3).