Page 34 IM02601004E www.eaton.3 Installation3.6. Wiring of CT & VT ConnectionsInstall the cable supplied in the mountingkit to connect the display module (DG1& DG2) to the meter module (CM5 &CM6) on the CM-X board.The Power Xpert Meter modelsPXM4000, PXM6000, and PXM8000series are provided with terminal blocksfor CT and VT connections. Due to thehazards of open circuit CT’s, the Currentterminal block is equipped with a specialhood that includes top and bottomretaining screws. It is required that thisterminal block be fully assembled includ-ing the hood in order to properly securethe current terminal block. Failure to fullyassemble and secure this connector tothe meter chassis can result in an opencircuit CT condition.NOTE: Because the hooded connectorwill cover the wiring designations printedon the block terminal, it is important tomark the wires so they can be identifiedafter the ends are seated in the connec-tor housing.The Power Xpert Meter PXM4000/PXM6000/PXM8000 is equipped withmultiple cards and terminal blocks. Eachterminal block has an identification andeach terminal has an identification. Forexample, the voltage input terminalblock is identified as [VT-] The individualterminals are identified as V1, V2, V3,V4, and VR. The intended terminalidentification scheme combines thesereferences. For example, the V1 con-nection on the VT terminal block wouldbe referred to as VT-V1. Proper use ofthis terminal block and terminal pointnomenclature should result in a clearidentification sheme for each connectionto the meter.The current and voltage terminal blocksprovided will accept up to one #10 AWGwire per connection. Before wiring andassembling connectors, wire markersshould be placed on the wires a suf-ficient distance from the stripped endsto be clearly visible after the connectorhoods are assembled. Each wire identifi-cation should be visually confirmed as itis attached to the terminal block.VX Auxiliary Voltage Terminal Block InputsVT Voltage Terminal Block InputsCT Current Terminal Block Inputs