6EnglishWok Centre RingThe Wok ring is designed fit the centre burner. It will notfi t any of the other burner pan supportsIt should be located so that the cut-outs in the ring sitdirectly on the projecting burner supports.Woks vary very widely in size and shape. It’s importantthat the Wok is securely held - but if the Wok is too big ortoo small the ring will not support it properly.When you fit the ring, check that it is properly located onthe pan support fingers.Make sure that it is stable and that the Wok is sittinglevel in the ring.The cradle will get very hot in use - allow plenty oftime for it to cool before you pick it up.Wok CookingA Wok may be used for 5 traditional methods of orientalcooking: -Stir FryingShallow FryingDeep FryingSteamingBraisingStir frying has become the most familiar and popularmethod of oriental cooking. The continual manualprocess requires the addition of one food item at a timewith the relatively fast preparation time offering thebenefit of colour and nutrient retention whilst retaining acrisp texture.The other 4 types of Wok cooking do not requireconstant stirring. These methods require a steadier basefor the utensil as the Wok contains very hot water oroil. The Wok ring gives greater stability when practisingthese methods of cooking - but take care.Deep Fat FryingDo not try to fry too much food at a time, especiallyfrozen food.This only lowers the temperature of the oil or fat toomuch, resulting in greasy food.Always dry food thoroughly before frying and lower itslowly into the hot oil or fat. Frozen foods in particular,will cause frothing or spitting, if added too quickly.Never heat fat, or fry with a lid on the pan.Keep the outside of the pan, clean and free from streaksof oil or fat.Only re-heat food once.