2-20 C70 CAPACITOR BANK PROTECTION AND CONTROL SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALSPECIFICATIONS CHAPTER 2: PRODUCT DESCRIPTION2NEUTRAL VOLTAGE UNBALANCEOperation: compensated for inherent bank and system unbalanceAuto-setting: on demand from keypadNumber of elements: 1 per VT bank, maximum of 3Compensating factor: 0.7500 to 1.2500 in steps of 0.0001Number of trip/alarm stages: 4 with individual timersPickup threshold: 0.001 to 1.000 pu of nominal of the bank neutral point VT in steps of 0.001Slope: 0 to 10% in steps of 0.1Pickup level accuracy: 0.003 pu for <10 VT mismatch between phase and neutral VTHysteresis: 3% or 0.001 pu whichever is greaterPickup delay: 0 to 600.00 s in steps of 0.01Timer accuracy: ±3% of operate time or ±35 ms, whichever is greaterOperate time: <35 ms at 60 HzPHASE UNDERVOLTAGEPickup level: 0.004 to 3.000 pu in steps of 0.001Dropout level: 102 to 103% of pickupLevel accuracy: ±0.5% of reading from 10 to 208 VCurve shapes: GE IAV Inverse;Definite Time (0.1s base curve)Curve multiplier: Time dial = 0.00 to 600.00 in steps of 0.01Curve timing accuracy at <0.90 x pickup:±3.5% of operate time or ±1/2 cycle (whichever is greater) from pickup to operateOperate time: <30 ms at 0.9 pickup at 60 Hz for Definite Time modeBANK OVERVOLTAGEOperation: per phase, 3 stages of definite-time, 1 stage of inverse-timeApplication: grounded and ungrounded banksNumber of elements: 1 per VT bank, maximum of 3Pickup threshold: 0.800 to 2.000 pu of bus voltage in steps of 0.001, per phasePickup level accuracy: 0.002 pu for operating voltage <70 VHysteresis: 0.02 puPickup delay: 0 to 600.00 s in steps of 0.01Curve: any user-programmable FlexCurveTimer accuracy: ±3% of operate time or ±35 ms, whichever is greaterOperate time: <35 ms at 60 HzPHASE OVERVOLTAGEVoltage: Phasor onlyPickup level: 0.004 to 3.000 pu in steps of 0.001Dropout level: 97 to 98% of pickupLevel accuracy: ±0.5% of reading from 10 to 208 VPickup delay: 0.00 to 600.00 in steps of 0.01 sOperate time: <30 ms at 1.10 × pickup at 60 HzTimer accuracy: ±3% of operate time or ±1/4 cycle (whichever is greater)NEUTRAL OVERVOLTAGEPickup level: 0.004 to 3.000 pu in steps of 0.001Dropout level: 97 to 98% of pickupLevel accuracy: ±0.5% of reading from 10 to 208 VPickup delay: 0.00 to 600.00 s in steps of 0.01 (definite time) or user-defined curveReset delay: 0.00 to 600.00 s in steps of 0.01Curve timing accuracy at >1.1 pickup: ±3.5% of operate time or ±1 cycle (whichever is greater) from pickup to operateOperate time: <30 ms at 1.10 pickup at 60 HzAUXILIARY OVERVOLTAGEPickup level: 0.004 to 3.000 pu in steps of 0.001Dropout level: 97 to 98% of pickup