CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUPF60 FEEDER PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5-355ConfigureRange: ConfigureDefault: ConfigureThe Configure button becomes active when the CONTENT field is set to "Actual." The window configures meteringvalues.Figure 5-10: Metering value properties windowParameterRange: any FlexAnalog parameterDefault:This setting selects a FlexAnalog parameter that specifies the metered value to display in the metering window. AFlexAnalog is an analog parameter.UnitsRange: up to eight alphanumeric charactersDefault:This setting specifies the units of measurement for the metered value and is populated based on the Parameterselected. The field can be left blank when units of measure do not apply, for example with RxGOOSE Analogs.Scale FactorRange: G Giga, M Mega, k Kilo, NoneDefault: NoneThis setting allows the user to specify the scaling factor for the metering units value. Options depend on the Parameter.MultiplierRange: -1000000 to 1000000Default: 1.0This setting allows the user to specify a multiplier for the metering parameter value. The multiplier must be incompliance with the 32-bit floating-point format per IEEE 754, otherwise, the input value is represented as per the IEEEstandard. For example, 1234.56789 is represented as 1234.567871094, and 9876.54321 as 9876.54296875.Number of IntegersRange: 1 to 12 in steps of 1Default: 1This setting specifies the number of integers in the displayed metered value. It can be used to provide for leadingcharacter spacing of the display value.