3-50 L60 Line Phase Comparison System GE Multilin3.4 MANAGED ETHERNET SWITCH MODULES 3 HARDWARE3Alternately, you can open a command window (type “cmd” from the Run item in the Start menu) and enter the ipconfigcommand.6. Now that the PC should be able to communicate to the UR relay through the UR Setup software.c) INITIAL ETHERNET SWITCH MODULE SETUPThis procedure describes how to configure the L60 switch module through EnerVista UR Setup. Before starting this proce-dure, ensure that the local PC is properly configured on the same network as the L60 device as shown in the previous sec-tion.1. Launch the EnerVista UR Setup software.2. Click the Device Setup button.3. Click the Add Site button. This will launch the Device Setup window.4. Set the Interface option to “Ethernet” and enter the IP Address, Slave Address, and Modbus Port values as shownbelow.5. Click the Read Order Code button. You should be able to communicate with the L60 device regardless of the value ofthe Ethernet switch IP address and even though the front panel display states that the Ethernet module is offline.1HZVLWH2OGVLWH,QWHUIDFHLV(WKHUQHWQRZ0DNHVXUHWKHVHVHWWLQJVDUHFRUUHFW$&'5