GE Multilin L60 Line Phase Comparison System 4-34 HUMAN INTERFACES 4.1 ENERVISTA UR SETUP SOFTWARE INTERFACE4Before backing up settings and upgrading, set the Settings > Product Setup > Security > Dual Permission SecurityAccess > Remote Setting Authorized and Local Setting Authorized settings to "ON." Otherwise, the upgrade is blockedand results in an "Unable to put relay in flash mode" message.Modbus addresses assigned to firmware modules, features, settings, and corresponding data items (i.e. defaultvalues, minimum/maximum values, data type, and item size) may change slightly from version to version of firm-ware. The addresses are rearranged when new features are added or existing features are enhanced or modified.The EEPROM DATA ERROR message displayed after upgrading/downgrading the firmware is a resettable, self-testmessage intended to inform users that the Modbus addresses have changed with the upgraded firmware. Thismessage does not signal any problems when appearing after firmware upgrades.4.1.4 ENERVISTA UR SETUP MAIN WINDOWThe EnerVista UR Setup software main window supports the following primary display components:1. Title bar which shows the pathname of the active data view.2. Main window menu bar.3. Main window tool bar.4. Site list control bar window.5. Settings list control bar window.6. Device data view windows, with common tool bar.7. Settings file data view windows, with common tool bar.8. Workspace area with data view tabs.9. Status bar.10. Quick action hot links.NOTE