28Adjust the Oven ThermostatWall OvenDo ityourself!You may find that your new oven cooksdifferently than the one it replaced. Use yournew oven for a few weeks to become morefamiliar with it. If you still think your newoven is too hot or too cold, you can adjustthe thermostat yourself.Do not use thermometers, such as those foundin grocery stores, to check the temperaturesetting of your oven. These thermometers mayvary 20–40 degrees.NOTE: This adjustment will only affect bakingtemperatures; it does not affect broiling, convection orself-cleaning temperatures. The adjustment will beretained in memory after a power failure.The type ofmargarinewill affectbakingperformance!Most recipes for baking have been developedusing high-fat products such as butter ormargarine (80% fat). If you decrease the fat,the recipe may not give the same results aswith a higher-fat product.Recipe failure can result if cakes, pies,pastries, cookies or candies are made withlow-fat spreads. The lower the fat contentof a spread product, the more noticeablethese differences become.Federal standards require products labeled“margarine” to contain at least 80% fat byweight. Low-fat spreads, on the other hand,contain less fat and more water. The highmoisture content of these spreads affect thetexture and flavor of baked goods. For bestresults with your old favorite recipes, usemargarine, butter or stick spreads containingat least 70% vegetable oil.To adjustthe oventhermostat1 Press the BAKE and BROIL HIGH/LOWpads at the same time for 3 seconds until thedisplay shows “SF.”2 Press the BAKE pad of the oven on whichyou want to adjust the oven thermostat.A two-digit number shows in the display.Press BAKE once to decrease (-) the oventemperature, or twice to increase (+).3 The oven temperature can be adjusted upto (+) 35°F hotter or (-) 35°F cooler. Pressthe number pads the same way you readthem. For example, to change the oventemperature 15°F, press 1 and 5.4 When you have made the adjustment, pressthe START pad to go back to the time of daydisplay. Use your oven as you would normally.