Garmin G3X Pilot’s Guide190-01115-00 Rev. J 105EISSystemOverviewFlightInstruments EISCNSInterfaceGPSNavigationFlightPlanningHazardAvoidanceAdditionalFeaturesIntegratedAutopilot Annun/Alerts Appendix IndexFUEL CALCULATOR SOFTKEYSXX GALXX GAL XX GALFUELFUELRESET(optional) (optional)(optional)RESET Resets fuel used to zero and fuel remaining to fulltanksXX GAL Sets fuel remaining to the full tank quantity where XXis the airframe specific full fuel quantityXX GAL Sets fuel remaining to a partial tank quantity (i.e., fillerneck tab) where XX is an airframe specific partialfuel quantity (optional)XX GAL Sets fuel remaining to a partial tank quantity (i.e., fillerneck tab) where XX is an airframe specific partialfuel quantity (optional)FUEL Returns to top-level softkeys