Garmin G3X Pilot’s Guide190-01115-00 Rev. J 7System OverviewSystemOverviewFlightInstruments EISCNSInterfaceGPSNavigationFlightPlanningHazardAvoidanceAdditionalFeaturesIntegratedAutopilot Annun/Alerts Appendix IndexChanging the navigation SourCeWhen an external navigator that supports both GPS and VOR/ILS capabilities (i.e.,GTN or GNS Series) is selected, the external navigator’s CDI Key is used to switch theG3X HSI between GPS and VOR/ILS navigation.SeleCtion Between Multiple navigatorSThe G3X CDI SRC Softkey (refer to Section 1.7) becomes available when more thanone source of navigation data is configured. The CDI SRC Softkey toggles betweenthe available navigation sources (e.g., between the internal G3X GPS and externalSL30 VLOC sources, between an SL30 and a GNS 430, or between two GNS 430s, etc).Refer to the Flight Instruments section for more information.uSing MapMX Serial Data input ForMatWhen using a WAAS enabled external GPS navigator (i.e., GNS 430W/530W, GNS480 or any GTN Series navigator), and configuring an RS-232 input for ‘MapMX’instead of ‘Aviation In’, a more accurate depiction of the flight plan legs are displayedon the moving map (i.e., holds, procedure turns, etc). Non-WAAS external navigatorsdo not support MapMX. Refer to the G3X Installation Manual for more information.EXTERNAL GPS NAVIGATOR FAILUREIn the event that all configured external GPS navigators fail, the G3X reverts to itsinternal VFR GPS for navigation and flight plan modifications.INTEGRATED AUTOPILOT (OPTIONAL)The G3X can also communicate with various third-party external autopilot units.With the Integrated Autopilot configured, the G3X issues pitch and roll steeringcommands to the external autopilot unit. Refer to Section 9 (Integrated Autopilot) formore information.