Garmin G3X Pilot’s Guide190-01115-00 Rev. J 245Hazard AvoidanceSystemOverviewFlightInstruments EISCNSInterfaceGPSNavigationFlightPlanningHazardAvoidanceAdditionalFeaturesIntegratedAutopilot Annun/Alerts Appendix IndexSymbol DescriptionNon-threat, non-directional airborne trafficNon-threat directional airborne Traffic with track vector. Points in thedirection of the aircraft track.Non-directional airborne Proximity Advisory (PA). Proximity Advisories areissued for any traffic within 6 nautical miles and +/- 1,200’.Directional airborne Proximity Advisory (PA) with track vector. Points in thedirection of the aircraft track. Proximity Advisories are issued for any trafficwithin 6 nautical miles and +/- 1,200’.Non-directional airborne Traffic Advisory (TA)Non-directional off-scale airborne Traffic Advisory (TA). Displayed at outerrange ring at proper bearing.Directional airborne Traffic Advisory (TA) with track vector. Points in thedirection of the aircraft track.Directional off-scale airborne Traffic Advisory (TA). Points in the direction ofthe aircraft track.*Ground traffic without directional information. Ground traffic is onlydisplayed when own aircraft is below 1,500 feet AGL or on the ground.*Directional surface traffic. Ground traffic is only displayed when ownaircraft is below 1,500 feet AGL or on the ground.*Non-directional non-aircraft ground traffic. Ground traffic is only displayedwhen own aircraft is below 1,500 feet AGL or on the ground.*Directional non-aircraft ground traffic. Ground traffic is only displayed whenown aircraft is below 1,500 feet AGL or on the ground.*Ground traffic is only displayed on the Map Page when the aircraft is on the ground or below 1,500 feetAGL. Ground traffic is always displayed on the dedicated traffic page.ADS-B Traffic Symbology