46Field DescriptionetherStatsUndersizePktsNumber of undersize packets received by the interface during thestatistical period, corresponding to the MIB nodeetherStatsUndersizePkts.etherStatsOversizePktsNumber of oversize packets received by the interface during thestatistical period, corresponding to the MIB nodeetherStatsOversizePkts.etherStatsFragmentsNumber of undersize packets with CRC errors received by theinterface during the statistical period, corresponding to the MIB nodeetherStatsFragments.etherStatsJabbersNumber of oversize packets with CRC errors received by the interfaceduring the statistical period, corresponding to the MIB nodeetherStatsJabbers.etherStatsCRCAlignErrorsNumber of packets with CRC errors received on the interface duringthe statistical period, corresponding to the MIB nodeetherStatsCRCAlignErrors.etherStatsCollisions Number of collisions received on the interface during the statisticalperiod, corresponding to the MIB node etherStatsCollisions.etherStatsDropEventsTotal number of drop events received on the interface during thestatistical period, corresponding to the MIB nodeetherStatsDropEvents.Packets received according to length:Incoming-packet statistics by packet length for the statistical period:• 64—Number of 64-byte packets. The value is stored in the MIBnode etherStatsPkts64Octets.• 65-127—Number of 65- to 127-byte packets. The value is stored inthe MIB node etherStatsPkts65to127Octets.• 128-255—Number of 128- to 255-byte packets. to the value isstored in the MIB node etherStatsPkts128to255Octets.• 256-511—Number of 256- to 511-byte packets. The value is storedin the MIB node etherStatsPkts256to511Octets.• 512-1023—Number of 512- to 1023-byte packets. The value isstored in the MIB node etherStatsPkts512to1023Octets.• 1024-1518—Number of 1024- to 1518-byte packets. The value isstored in the MIB node etherStatsPkts1024to1518Octets.These statistics are hardware dependent. If hardware does not supportthem, 0 is displayed.Related commandsrmon statisticsrmon alarmUse rmon alarm to create an entry in the RMON alarm table.Use undo rmon alarm to remove an entry from the RMON alarm table.Syntaxrmon alarm entry-number alarm-variable sampling-interval { absolute | delta } rising-thresholdthreshold-value1 event-entry1 falling-threshold threshold-value2 event-entry2 [ owner text ]