724 328 Succeeded 2011-04-29 20:54:24.53 328 Succeeded 2011-04-29 20:54:24.12 328 Succeeded 2011-04-29 20:54:23.81 328 Succeeded 2011-04-29 20:54:23.4Table 35 Command outputField DescriptionIndex History record number.Response Round-trip time if the operation succeeds, timeout time upon timeout, or 0 if theoperation cannot be completed (in milliseconds).StatusStatus value of test results:• Succeeded.• Unknown error.• Internal error.• Timeout.Time Time when the operation was completed.display nqa reaction countersUse display nqa reaction counters to display the current monitoring results of reaction entries.Syntaxdisplay nqa reaction counters [ admin-name operation-tag [ item-number ] ] [ | { begin | exclude |include } regular-expression ]ViewsAny viewDefault command level1: Monitor levelParametersadmin-name operation-tag: Displays the current monitoring results of reaction entries in an NQAoperation. If no operation is specified, the monitoring results of all reaction entries of all NQA operationsare displayed. The admin-name argument represents the name of the administrator who creates theNQA operation, and is a case-insensitive string of 1 to 32 characters. The operation-tag argumentrepresents the operation tag, and is a case-insensitive string of 1 to 32 characters.item-number: Displays the current monitoring results of a specific reaction entry. If no reaction entry isprovided, the results of all reaction entries are displayed. The item-number argument represents thereaction entry ID, in the range of 1 to 10.|: Filters command output by specifying a regular expression. For more information about regularexpressions, see Fundamentals Configuration Guide.begin: Displays the first line that matches the specified regular expression and all lines that follow.exclude: Displays all lines that do not match the specified regular expression.include: Displays all lines that match the specified regular expression.regular-expression: Specifies a regular expression, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 256 characters.