49ViewsSystem viewDefault command level2: System levelParametersentry-number: Specifies an event entry index, which ranges from 1 to 65535.description string: Specifies an event description, a string of 1 to 127 characters.log: Logs the event when it occurs.log-trap log-trapcommunity: Log and trap events. The system performs both logging and trap sendingwhen the event occurs. log-trapcommunity indicates the community name of the network managementstation that receives trap messages, a string of 1 to 127 characters.none: Performs no action when the event occurs.trap trap-community: Trap event. The system sends a trap with a community name when the event occurs.trap-community specifies the community name of the network management station that receives trapmessages, a string of 1 to 127 characters.owner text: Owner of the entry, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 127 characters that can contain spaces.Usage guidelinesWhen create an event entry, you can define the actions that the system takes when the event is triggeredby its associated alarm in the alarm table. The system can log the event, send a trap, do both, or doneither at all based on your configuration.An entry cannot be created if the values of the specified event description (description string), event type(log, trap, logtrap or none), and community name (trap-community or log-trapcommunity) are identicalto those of the existing event entry in the system.Up to 60 event entries can be created.Examples# Create event 10 in the RMON event table. system-view[Sysname] rmon event 10 log owner user1Related commands• display rmon event• rmon alarm• rmon prialarmrmon historyUse rmon history to create an entry in the RMON history control table.Use undo rmon history to remove a specified entry from the RMON history control table.Syntaxrmon history entry-number buckets number interval sampling-interval [ owner text ]undo rmon history entry-number