91start-time: Specifies the start time and date of the NQA operation.hh:mm:ss: Specifies the start time of an NQA operation.yyyy/mm/dd: Specifies the start date of an NQA operation. The default value is the current system time,and yyyy is in the range of 2000 to 2035.now: Starts the operation immediately.lifetime: Specifies the duration of the operation.lifetime: Specifies the duration of the operation in seconds, in the range of 1 to 2147483647.forever: Performs the operation forever until you stop it with the undo nqa schedule command.Usage guidelinesAfter an NQA operation is scheduled, you cannot enter its operation type view or its operation view, orconfigure it through iMC. To modify the NQA operation, first remove the schedule by using the undo nqaschedule command.To view the current system time, use the display clock command.Examples# Configure the scheduling parameters for the operation with the administrator name admin andoperation tag test. The start time and duration of the operation are 08:08:08 2011/08/08 and 1000seconds. system-view[Sysname] nqa schedule admin test start-time 08:08:08 2011/08/08 lifetime 1000Related commandsdisplay clock (Fundamentals Command Reference)operation (FTP operation view)Use operation to specify the operation type for the HTTP operation.Use undo operation to restore the default.Syntaxoperation { get | put }undo operationDefaultThe operation type is get.ViewsFTP operation viewDefault command level2: System levelParametersget: Get a file from the FTP server.put: Transfers a file to the FTP server.